Last month, I had the privilege of photographing one of those weddings that I won’t easily forget. I have started and restarted this blog post a number of times now. Holly and Roger really are two of the coolest people I have ever met and my words just don’t seem to do them justice. There is a joy inside of them that is infectious. It is a joy that is so much more than happiness over finding someone to love… it is deeper and beyond special. Their wedding day was filled with the most incredible stories shared by family and friends and so much love. Roger is a sailor and Holly works full time at her church running all of the children’s ministry programs. Little did the couple know that years ago, they had actually served at the same small school in Africa half way across the globe at different times and that there lives would intertwine so perfectly at just the right time as God’s plan for them unfolded. There is no doubt that they will do incredible things together to impact this world in a big way. I love these two! The details of their Providence Public Library wedding were perfect and so much of it was a labor of love from their family- from the centerpieces to the stunning ceremony arbor that Holly’s dad built and put together. And the gorgeous antique car that you see in the shots below? Oh you know, just the car that Holly’s parents rode in on their wedding day, that Holly’s dad bought back and restored years later to gift to his wife for their 25th wedding anniversary. The amount of amazing in this wedding brings such a smile to my face…
Q- What was the inspiration behind your wedding?
A- Holly: Honestly, I really wanted a garden theme despite it being February and even though there was snow on the ground we still went for light and airy colors. We also used the library theme throughout the wedding as centerpieces book paper flowers and card catalog place cards.
That moment when your sister and brother in law (who is also Holly and Roger’s pastor) writes a song for you on your wedding day. Such an incredible moment and huge surprise for the bride and groom…
After the couple said their vows, both sets of parents came up and prayed blessings over the couple. Oh my blurry eyes… This is why I need a tissue attachment on my camera holster.
I really didn’t have to do much for the posing here… they were just so happy and excited, and Roger just kept kissing Holly’s face…. such sweetness!
THIS car! The same car Holly’s parents rode in on their wedding day that Holly’s dad restored and gifted to his wife as a present on their 25th anniversary. Amazing!
A- Holly: The song that my sister and brother-in-law wrote for us was for sure a highlight. It was so special- they used words that we had shared with them and it really felt like our hearts put to music. It was a huge surprise!! Second was when we stood on the chairs and the room was lit with people who had prayed and invested in our lives. As they began to sing, the presence of God was so evident and we were almost blown off our chairs by His goodness in all the lives represented! Super thankful!
Q- Would you change anything if you could?
A- Roger: We wish we could have invited everyone we knew!
A- Holly: that we had all our family and closest friends with us!
Q- What advice would you offer to future brides and grooms?
A- Enjoy every moment, the time flies by so fast! From 3pm-10pm it felt like a total blur so try to soak in and soak up as much as possible. Also we highly recommend great video and photos because as blurry as everything is, we are so glad it’s well documented!!!
Roger: Do it the way you really desire but don’t loose sleep over small details that don’t truly matter. Have fun being unique and creative!
Special thanks to the awesome vendor team!
Russell Morin Fine Catering At Providence Public Library and
Ben DeCastro rocking it on video!
Bags of Hope – the AWESOME organization that Holly and Roger donated to as a wedding present to their guests, and one of my favorite organizations that my family is involved with! (Check them out!!)
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