The Smith Family!

Not only is Emily a fabulous old college friend (by old, I don’t mean we are old… no way… its not like we spent part of our session lamenting on about how long ago undergrad actually was… sigh…) but she is the super talented face behind E E Smith Photography! We love being able to pick each others brain frequently throughout the week and keep each other up to date on new gear, software, and trends!  I was BEYOND excited when she came to visit me again this fall, this time for a full evening session! And it’s a good thing we didn’t go mini this time, because there was was too much cuteness to contain! Olivia is seriously one cute toddler… most of these shots were obtained with lots of chasing, running, and dancing, so naturally at 8 months pregnant, I’m pretty proud of them. 🙂 Love this family! Here are just a few favorites!


ah perfect! 🙂

Such a gorgeous, sweet girl!


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