My big kid turns 5! | Project Mom

My adorable Sam,


I remember when you were a baby, driving in the car with you, wishing you were big enough to talk back to me. I couldn’t wait to have a companion, a little buddy to talk to, goof off with, smile with. Today, you turn five and you have become the bestest little friend a mom could ask for. Your raspy, big voice has leveled off a bit and your voice only makes its deep grunt sound when you say certain things. You have turned into quite the talker and I get the biggest kick out of your sayings, expressions, jokes, and questions. Sometimes, I can’t get you to stop talking!  I love hanging out with you.


You are smart! This year, you started full day preschool and 2 months later you were moved to kindergarten. This summer, teaching you to read was so much fun. Watching you really dive into books has been such an adventure. Once you got those long vowels down, there was no stopping you! I’m so proud of you little man.

When we had your baby brother two years ago, I didn’t know how you would respond. But over this last year, you have turned out to be the most incredible big brother. It amazes me how caring you are towards him, how you are attentive to his needs, how you two cuddle up next to each other on the couch in the mornings and just hang out. I love when I find you both in your room playing together, creating some adventure, building a fort, or building something with legos. You two are adventure jumpers, pushing that ottoman farther and farther back, seeing how far a distance you can jump.  I am always breaking up some crazy wrestling match between the two of you, usually ending in giggles. I won’t mention which one of you tends to pin the other down the most, although I have some videos that your little brother will be really proud of when you two are older. 😉 Promise me you will always be best friends?


You still get up at the crack of dawn. This year, we have been learning to control those ever growing boy emotions – the fury you feel when little brother knocks down one of your lego creations or crushes your incredible play dough sculptures. Its all apart of becoming a big kid. You aren’t perfect little man, but mommy is far from it herself. And there is no manual for this parenting gig! I’m thankful for the days that you offer me grace for my lack of patience and I’m most thankful to be on this parenting/kid journey with you.


A few more things. You are still all about animals. You know more creature facts then anyone I know. You would like to marry a girl who is a fast runner, because in kindergarten, that is the coolest quality you could have of course. You love play dough still and sculpt these insanely accurate animals while you veg out after a long day. This year, you learned to swim with floats, throw a frisbee, and play hockey. You are moving from big legos to small ones which is kind of  big deal around here. You never seem to stop moving.  You are stubborn. Fort building is a favorite of yours. We are madly in love with you and would rather hang out with you then leave you with a sitter. You make us smile more than I ever imagined a child could. Your smile is amazing. Your eyes twinkle and shine in the cutest way when your face lights up!



God has big plans for you kiddo. Every night, we spend the last few moments of the day together. I read you a Bible story, you read me a book and then we pray. Your prayers make me tear up sometimes. I love that you already know so much about your Creator, at such a young age. I love the honest questions you ask, and the innocents of your faith. Watching you grow closer to Jesus encourages me. I know that if we can continue building a foundation under you, you will do amazing things my boy!

Now comes the fun part… those crazy pictures mom takes of you every year at that big red door…


We love you so much! So, so much…



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