A- There were a few inspirations behind the wedding. We wanted a wedding that was fun, whimsical, bright, and romantic. So the first inspirations was pineapples! We have always loved pineapples and their meaning of welcome and hospitality. Since we decided on Newport as our wedding location it seemed to fit perfect since the symbol of Newport is a Pineapple. Our moms loved the idea and we’re still getting pineapple gifts from them.

A- The details we both treasured the most was incorporating our grandparents who have passed away in what we wore that day. Craig’s Best Man made the ties for the groomsmen and he sewed a piece of Craig’s grandfather’s tie into all of the ties. Craig and his sisters also had handcerchiefs from him. I included my grandfather’s dog tag and my other grandfather’s pendant on my bouquet.
A- This is a tough one to answer – there were so many! The ceremony was definitely our favorite part – which was unexpected since we were most looking forward to celebrating on the dance floor with our friends and family. Our officiant and close friend surprised us with such a beautiful and personal ceremony we didn’t want it to end. Our first kiss as newleyweds was so special – especially when a yacht decided to honk its horn! It was so exciting and all of our guests started cheering.
A- We wouldn’t change a thing. It was even better than what we imagined!
Q- What advice do you have for our future bride’s and groom’s?
A- We have a few pieces of advice: 1. Stay true to yourselves. You get a lot of different opinions during the process and while it’s important to hear the opinions of your loved ones, you want the wedding to reflect both your personalities because the day is about you two. 2. It’s ok to get stressed out. But when you do remember what all this planning is about and laugh. Whenever I would get stressed Craig would always say to me “I don’t care what happens that day or who is there as long as you are.” He always reminded me what the day is actually about and would try to make me laugh. 3. Delete the weather app from your phone and don’t check it anywhere! You can’t control it so no need to stress. And 4. Everyone always says to take moments to look around the room to take in the wedding. To take in and enjoy that all the people you love are in one room to celebrate the two of you. Definitely do that! And enjoy it together. 5. EAT EVERYTHING! Craig and I were proud of ourselves because we ate every single type of food we had at our wedding. It was worth it!
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