Vince and Noel married last month at Aldrich Mansion in a mix of cultures and traditions that made the day both unique and beautiful! The day started off with the couple dressing in traditional Chinese attire for a round of door games in which Noel had to win over the right to marry his bride! The couple also held a traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony where they served loved ones, listened to words of wisdom, and cried happy tears of celebration. After the morning festivities, Vince and Noel prepared for a Catholic ceremony with a change of wedding attire, ready to celebrate the rest of the evening away at the Aldrich! Not only was Vince and Noel’s day filled with tradition, but with so much love and respect for each other and their family. It really was an honor to be apart of their celebration!
Let the door games begin! Vince was on the other end of that FaceTime session watching all the fun unfold.
Q- If you could pick one moment from your entire day to be your favorite, what would it be?
A- Walking down the aisle together for the first time as husband and wife 🙂
Q- Would you change anything about your wedding day if you could?
May 4th, 2016 at 10:45 am
Hi Vince and Joel;
My only advice is to make sure you both are able to compromise and communicate well. Marriage is hard work and I know you are both up to it. Wishing you much love and happiness.
May 5th, 2016 at 3:43 pm
Thanks for the advice, Debbie!!