My Boy Turns Two | Project Mom

Dear Sam,

You are beyond cute… can we start there? As I look at this year’s pictures near the big red door compared to last year’s, I am completely blown away at how my chubby little blonde baby has turned into a big handsome boy. I no longer have to make crazy sounds at you in order to get you to smile for my camera. Now, when I pull out my iphone or “big camera” as you call it, you automatically say cheese. I’m so proud. 🙂

You have brought the most unbelievable amount of joy to your daddy and me. I kiss you no less than 50 times a day. I don’t think I’m exaggerating. I kiss that sweet little head of yours just about every time I pick you up. It took you almost your entire second year to retaliate, but you are finally kissing us back. In fact, you have turned into one of THE most loving kids I’ve ever seen. You love to hug, give kisses, snuggle, and perhaps my favorite, play with my hair when I hold you. 🙂 You especially like to show your affectionate side just before you get in trouble for something that you know you did wrong… you are WAY to inteligent for your own good.


You’re a talker, just like me. We have conversations all day long. You like to talk to people in the store, usually referring to people as “lady” (we are working on that). You like to call grandma up on the phone and talk on your pretend phones in the bathtub. You also have a really good memory. You have told me at least 4 times this week the story about when you puked at Target and mommy caught it in her hands.  You are beyond funny. You also like to talk to me about dinosaurs and dragons (which you think are just bigger dinosaurs) and Curious George and elephants. You often look at me and say, “I have an idea!” Your father and I always worry (alot) when we hear you say those words. It usually includes you pulling out a chair and pushing it against a counter or cupboard to get something. One time, we found you just about on top of the kitchen table, having fun tearing apart mommy’s centerpiece. We don’t always show you because we want you to learn what is right and what isn’t, but we always laugh quite a bit at all of the funny things that you do. Just last month, you were sitting at the dinner table when you dropped a grape accidentally down your shirt. You shouted, “Hey! Get back here!!” at that grape. Your father and I often sit around in the evening after you go to bed retelling stories just like that, just laughing and laughing. We are so crazy about you.

Things haven’t always been easy this past year. We have overcome lots of obstacles. There was that very scary day when you had an allergic reaction to something you ate and got rushed off to the hospital in the big ambulance. That day would definitely go down as the most scary yet. There is also that sleep thing that you aren’t super fond with still. Sure, you mostly sleep through the night now, but boy do you like to get up early! When you are a teenager, I may wake you up at 5 am just to get back at ya. 😉 Those tough two year tantrums have slowly shown through as well. You HATE time out and are so cute as you shout “I’m sorry mommy!” again and again while you serve your time. But know this – I would NEVER trade any of those tough moments with you this year for anything. You are a gift! Your father and I are so lucky to have you as our little boy and are blessed beyond belief to be able to walk with you on this journey called life.

God has big plans for you little boy. He may be calling you to be a doctor, a fireman, a pastor like daddy (boy would you make him proud). Whatever plans God has for you, know that your mom and dad pray for you and your future every single day. You are so loved and so supported. We strive to live our lives in a way that will bring you closer to Jesus. My prayer for you has always and will continue to be that you will grow up with a loving and compassionate heart for others, and most importantly, a deep love and respect for God! Being your mom has taught me so much about God’s love for us, his creation! As crazy as we are about you, He loves you more. Don’t ever ever forget that.

We are so proud of you little man. You are and will always be awesome.

With all of my love,



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  1. Jessica

    December 10th, 2012 at 10:12 pm

    Awe this is beautiful! Your little boy is so lucky to have such a loving mommy!!!

  2. Nicole

    December 11th, 2012 at 8:14 am

    I was reading this as I waited in line at Starbucks & had to stop because I got teary! He is so adorable & a lucky little boy to have such wonderful parents! Happy Birthday to your little man!

  3. Megan Ayers

    December 13th, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    You are amazing Sarah!! This is so beautiful!! What a lucky little boy you have!!